September 19, 2024

Subscription or Membership

Subscription or Membership There are two ways to receive RMR:

1. Become a member of the Society for Waldensian Studies and be sent two issues per
year, the booklet on the XVII of February and the quarterly La Beidana

2. Take out an annual subscription to RMR

Fee for membership of the Society for Waldensian Studies

  • Italy €32.00
  • Other €37.00

For payment use:

post office account no. 14389100 or bank account IBAN IT950335901600100000123583,

in the name of Società di Studi Valdesi, via Beckwith 3, 10066 Torre Pellice (TO).ù

The membership fee includes the bi-annual Riforma e movimenti religiosi, the quarterly La Beidana and the booklet issued on the occasion of the XVII of February.

To become a member call the Secretary’s Office (+39 0121/932765) or visit the website at

Annual subscription to the bi-annual review Riforma e movimenti religiosi

  •  Italy    €40.00
  •  Other €70.00

For payment use:

post office account no. 60480597 or bank account IBAN IT61Z0200801048 000040219284

in the name of Claudiana srl, via S. Pio V, 15, 10125 Torino with description Riforma e
movimenti religiosi.

O subscribe visit the Claudiana website: